Pupil Questionnaire 2023

This survey is for you to say what you think about your school. It is not meant to be a
way of making a complaint to Ofsted. If you feel the school is not doing enough to keep
you safe, you should ask your parent or carer to speak to the school about it. If your
parent or carer is not happy with the school’s response they can follow the school’s
complaints procedure. They can also contact children’s social care at your local council
if they are worried about your safety.

2. I enjoy school
3. Teachers help me to do my best
4. My teachers give me work that challenges me
5. I enjoy learning at this school
6. Teachers listen to what I have to say in lessons
7. There is an adult at school I can talk to if something is worrying me
8. The behaviour of other pupils in my lessons is good
9. The behaviour of other pupils around school is good
10. Is bullying a problem at your school?
11. I feel safe when I am at school
13. My school encourages me to look after my physical health (for example healthy eating and fitness)
14. My school encourages me to look after my emotional and mental health
15. I take part in school activities outside of lessons, like clubs, sports, music and art
16. My school encourages me to be independent and to take on responsibilities
17. My school encourages me to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally
18. My school provides me with information about my next steps (For example: moving year group or school, visiting local schools or other education and training options sports activities)
20. I would recommend this school to a friend moving to the area

Thank you for completing this questionnaire