Year 3 Homework
West Byfleet Junior School
Homework Expectations
- Homework is set on Thursdays and due in on the following Monday.
- Children are expected to spend 45 minutes on weekly tasks.
- The homework instructions and tasks will be on the school website on the day it is given out, usually by 5pm.
- Homework tasks must be completed in the red homework books.
- Make sure that instructions are read carefully. Ask your teacher for help if you are not sure what to do.
- Complete tasks directly in the book unless a sheet is included in the task.
- Write and underline the date and Learning Question.
- Ensure homework is well presented and neat.
- Make sure that homework is signed by a parent or carer.
- If homework is not able to be completed, please ensure an email is sent to the class teacher from a parent or carer.
Accelerated Reader link for quizzes: