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Welcome to the Sports Section of West Byfleet Junior School.

This page contains information on sporting competitions, curriculum sport and sports clubs.

Information and sports reports will appear in the tabs bar on the right-hand side of this page, as and when they are available or take place. 

School Games Mark: Academic Year 2023-2024

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Gold School Games Mark for Sport and P.E in school, for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Thank you so much to everyone who has made this amazing achievement possible.

Sport and P.E at West Byfleet Junior School

We love sport at WBJS and want every child no matter their age or ability to have the opportunity to take part in as much sport as possible. Whether that be in P.E lessons, extra-curricular clubs or representing the school at sporting events.

Our extra-curricular clubs do and will offer an opportunity throughout the academic year for children to take part in a variety of different sports. These may include:

  • Football
  • Tag Rugby
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Athletics
  • Hockey
  • Cricket
  • Multi-sports
  • Sportshall Athletics

This list is ever-growing and we are always looking for opportunities to introduce clubs which focus on sporting events which we are less familiar with seeing in schools; for example:

  • Archery
  • New Age Kurling
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Lacrosse
  • Handball
  • Golf

Sporting Success During the 2023-2024 Season

Our incredible Year 6 girls football team not only won the Woking District football tournament but also won the Woking schools Year 6 girls football league too.

A fantastic achievement by everyone involved! Here they are with the league winners' shield and their gold medals.

Our amazing Year 5 boys were also victorious last academic year. Winning the Woking schools Year 5 boys league. 

Well done to everyone involved. Here they are with the league winners' shield and their gold medals. 

Another massive congratulations must also go to our wonderful Year 5 and 6 mixed tag rugby team, for coming second in the WASPs annual tag rugby tournament held at Pirbright School. 

Here they are with their silver medals.