About us

At  WBJS, we value the ideas, opinions and contributions of all pupils in our school and believe that they should play a key role in making our school the best place that it can be for them. This aligns with our AROCK (Aspiration, Resilience, Opportunity, Creativity, Kindness) school values.

Our School Council strengthens the relationship and communication between pupils and staff and gives Year 6 children an outstanding opportunity to develop personal life skills, teamwork and responsibility.

At the beginning of the year, Year 6 pupils who are interested in joining School Council must complete an application form and the successful applicants proceed to "job interviews" with our School Council Lead, who offers them a position on the School Council Committee and Training.

The School Council Committee meets at least twice every half term. During these meetings actions are set and minutes recorded.

Some of the things that our School Council has been involved in previous years include:

  • The set-up and successful entrepreneurship of a pupil lead Tuck Shop
  • Running a School Stationery Shop
  • Taking responsibility of the Lost Property
  • Running Whole School House Competitions
  • Working alongside the Eco team to improve the playground environment
  • Fundraising events for the school and other charitable causes
  • Creating door signs for Year 4 and Year 5 classrooms
  • Setting up a school council email for parents and staff to contact us
  • Keeping an up-to-date School Council Notice board in School
  • Running School Council surgeries and reporting to Governors
  • Working with our catering company to improve school meals