Harvest Festival

For this year’s harvest appeal,  WBJS will be donating to Byfleet United Charity for their Christmas hamper project for the second year.  It will provide hampers for families in the area who may not be able to afford extra items over the Christmas period.  

If you are able to donate, we are asking that your child brings their food item into school on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 October.

Thank you for your generosity and support!

To ensure that we collect items that will be useful to the charity, we are suggesting a theme for each year group. These are as follows:


Year 3

Year 4

Larder Staples:

·         Pasta

·         Pasta sauce

·         Soup

·         Tinned Veg - tomatoes, potatoes, peas, carrots, sweetcorn

·         Tinned beans, spaghetti

·         Tinned meat - ham, tuna

·         Tomato ketchup

·         Mayonnaise

·         Tea & Coffee

Luxury Food items:

·         Biscuits sweet/savoury

·         Crisps/Pringles (or similar)

·         Christmas food items - tubs of chocolate, selection packs, Christmas biscuit selections etc 


Year 5

Year 6

Cleaning Products:

·         Washing up liquid

·         Laundry washing tablets/powder

·         Antibacterial surface sprays

·         Polish

·         Cleaning cloths/sponges



Personal Hygiene:

·         Shampoo/conditioner

·         Shower gel

·         Male and female deodorant

·         Feminine products